- Application - Application: Dell Digital Delivery Client - [Detail]
- Application - Application: DELL,SRV,SW,OSD,AIO,9010,i.0.0.11,X00 - [Item]
- Audio - Driver: Realtek Loftier-Definitation Audio Commuter - [Detail]. Download:
- File 2: Audio_Driver_P6T7K_WN_6.0.one.5922_A12.EXE
- Audio - Commuter: Realtek High-Definitation Audio Driver - [Particular]. Download:
- File 2: Audio_Driver_HDGN9_WN_6.0.1.5910_A09.EXE
- Backup and Recovery - Application: DELL,SRV,SW,DBRM i.three,ALL,A02,A02 - [Detail]
- CMSDK - Application: DSIA A47 - [Detail]
- CMSDK - Application: Inventory Collector A44 7.0.42.one - [Particular]
- CMSDK - Application: Inventory Collector A43 vii.0.41.1 - [Detail]
- CMSDK - Application: Inventory Collector A42 vii.0.39.ane - [Item]
- CMSDK - Application: DSIA A44 1.iv.one.313 - [Detail]
- CMSDK - Application: DELL,DSK PROG,UTIL,INVCOLLECTOR,vii.0.25.ane,A34 - [Detail]
- CMSDK - Application: DELL,DSK PROG,UTIL,INVCOLLECTOR,,A35 - [Detail]
- CMSDK - Application: DELL,DSK PROG,UTIL,DSIA,ane.4.1.294,A37 - [Particular]
- CMSDK - Application: DELL,DSK PROG,UTIL,DSIA,one.four.ane.295,A38 - [Detail]
- CMSDK - Application: DELL,DSK PROG,UTIL,INVENCOLL,seven.0.25.one,A34 - [Detail]
- Chipset - Driver: Intel Direction Engine eight.0 Components Installer - [Detail]. Download:
- File 1: ME8_SW_5M_Setup_ZPE.exe
- File 2: Chipset_Driver_9H6V2_WN32_8.0.3.1427_A00-00.EXE
- Chipset - Driver: Intel Chipset Device Software - [Detail]. Download:
- File i: DRVR_Chipset_Intel_A00-CPNKY_setup_ZPE.exe
- File 2: Chipset_Driver_CPNKY_WN32_9.three.0.1019_A00.EXE
- Chipset - Driver: Intel USB three.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver - [Detail]. Download:
- File ane: Intel_Chipset_7-Series_USB3_FJ3FJ_A03_SETUP_ZPE.exe
- File 2: Chipset_Driver_FJ3FJ_WN_1.0.6.245_A03.EXE
- Chipset - Driver: DELL,SRV,DRVR,REALTEK RT,AIO,9010,6.1.7601.86,A00 - [Detail]. Download:
- File 1: CardReader_Realtek_WIN_A00_Setup-YVCYX_ZPE.exe
- File 2: 9010_Chipset_Driver_YVCYX_WN32_6.1.7601.86_A00.EXE
- Dell Data Protection - Application: Dell Information Protection | Admission - [Detail]. Download:
- File 1: DDP_Application_TDC1K_WN_2.two.00003.009_A06.EXE
- File two: DDPA_Setup_TDC1K_A06_64bits_ZPE.exe
- Dell Data Protection - Application: Dell Data Protection | Access -- Application Parcel, v.two.1.00001.002, A02 - [Detail]. Download:
- File one: APP_WIN_R308585.EXE
- File 2: DDPA_application_A02_R308585.exe
- Drivers for OS Deployment - Application: Powernap Application - [Detail]
- Drivers for OS Deployment - Driver: Dell ST2320L MONITOR, A00-00 - [Detail]
- Drivers for Os Deployment - Driver: Dell P2012H Monitor, A00 - [Detail]
- Drivers for Bone Deployment - Driver: Dell U2412M MONITOR, A00-00 - [Detail]
- Drivers for OS Deployment - Driver: Dell E2210 Monitor, A00-00 - [Detail]
- Drivers for Os Deployment - Driver: Dell P2312H Monitor, A00 - [Item]
- Drivers for Os Deployment - Driver: Dell U2212HM MONITOR, A00-00 - [Detail]
- Drivers for OS Deployment - Driver: Dell P2412Hb Monitor, A00-00 - [Particular]
- Input - Application: Dell KM632 Wireless Keyboard Caps Lock Indicator Application - [Detail]
- Input - Application: Dell Dell KM632 Wireless Keyboard Caps Lock Indicator Application, v., A00-00 - [Particular]
- Input - Driver: LiteOn Dell USB Smart Carte Reader Keyboard - LTN, A00-00 - [Item]
- Network - Diagnostics Utility: DELL,SRV,DIAG,INTEL,LOM,LAT,E5530,xvi.8.45.00,A00 - [Detail]
- Network - Commuter: Intel 825xx x/100/1000 Ethernet Network Drivers - [Detail]. Download:
- File 1: Network_Driver_N0F78_WN32_16.viii.0.0_A00.EXE
- File 2: DRVR_Network_Intel_A00-N0F78_setup_ZPE.exe
- Network - Commuter: DELL,CRD,WRLES,HMCRD,DW1530,HF,A00,A00 - [Particular]
- Network - Driver: DELL,SRV,SW,INTEL,BT,6235,AIO,50,ii.1.1.0153,A00 - [Particular]
- Network - Commuter: DELL,SRV,SW,INTEL,WIFI,6235,AIO,L,15.one.ane.1,A00 - [Detail]
- Removable Storage - Firmware: PLDS DS-8D3SH 8X 12.7 SATA Trayload DVD, v.HD12, A01 - [Detail]
- Removable Storage - Firmware: PLDS DS-8A5SH 12.7 SATA Trayload DVDRW, 5.XD11, A00 - [Detail]
- Removable Storage - Firmware: TEAC DV-28SW 8X 12.7 SATA Trayload DVD, v.D2G, A04 - [Detail]
- Security Encryption - Driver: DELL,SRV,DRVR,ST-MICRO,HD,SECR,EN,v2.0.0.38,A01 - [Detail]
- Serial ATA - Driver: DELL,SRV,DRVR,IRST,PWS,T1650,,A00 - [Detail]
- Serial ATA - Driver: DELL,SRV,APP,IRST,OPTI,9010,,A00 - [Detail]. Download:
- File one: iata_cd_010512ZP_ZPE.exe
- File ii: Series-ATA_Driver_02PTJ_WN32_11.0.0.1032_A00.EXE
- Series ATA - Firmware: Firmware:Julius FIPS (2.v",SATA,3Gb/s,7200,512e) - [Detail]
- Serial ATA - Firmware: Firmware:Desaru2D(2.5",SATA,3Gb/s,7200,512e) - [Detail]
- Serial ATA - Firmware: Firmware:Julius(2.5",SATA,3Gb/s,7200,512e) - [Detail]
- Series ATA - Firmware: Seagate ST3250312AS (250G, 3.5", 20mm, SATA, 6Gb/due south, 7200, 512n), ST3320413AS (320G, three.5", 20mm, SATA, 6Gb/south, 7200, 512n), ST3500413AS (500G, iii.5", 20mm, SATA, 6Gb/s, 7200, 512n), ST31000524AS (1T, iii.5", 26mm, SATA, 6Gb/southward, 7200, 512n), v.JC49, A02 - [Detail]
- Series ATA - Firmware: SEAGATE,Hard disk drive,1TB,S3,seven.2K,SGT-PHAR 6G,JC4A,A03 - [Detail]
- Serial ATA - Firmware: Firmware:Pharaoh(3.five",SATA,6Gb/s,7200,512) - [Detail]
- Serial ATA - Utility: Utility:AFDT - [Detail]
- Serial ATA - Utility: Utility:PAT - [Detail]
- Arrangement Utilities - Utility: Dell System Software, 5.7.0.three, A03 - [Detail]. Download:
- File 1: Dell_System-Software_A03_R282538.exe
- File 2: DSS_UTIL_WIN_R282538.EXE
- Systems Direction - Application: Dell Customer System Update one.iii - [Detail]
- Systems Management - Application: Dell Client Management Pack for Microsoft System Heart Operations Manager and System Center Essentials - [Detail]
- Systems Management - Application: OpenManage Client Instrumentation OMCI v8.1.1 64bit - [Detail]
- Systems Direction - Application: Dell SBS Out-Of-Band Management Plugin - [Detail]
- Systems Direction - Application: Dell Client Integration Pack iii.0 - [Detail]
- Systems Management - Application: Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation - [Particular]
- Systems Management - Driver: WINPE 3.Ten Driver CAB Pack - [Particular]. Download:
- File i: Dell-WinPE-Drivers-A10.html
- File two: Dell-WinPE-Drivers-A10.xml
- File 3: Dell-WinPE-Drivers-A10.CAB
- Systems Management - Driver: WINPE Driver Pack - [Detail]. Download:
- File ane: Dell-WinPE-Drivers-A09.xml
- File 2: Dell-WinPE-Drivers-A09.CAB
- File 3: Dell-WinPE-Drivers-A09.html
- Systems Management - Driver: DELL,DSK PROG,DRVR,WINPESUSTAINING,1.0,A08 - [Item]
- Systems Management - Driver: 9010 AIO Win7 Driver Cab Pack - [Detail]. Download:
- File i: 9010-win7-A01-N6KDV.xml
- File 2: 9010-win7-A01-N6KDV.html
- File 3: 9010-win7-A01-N6KDV.CAB
- Video - Driver: Windows 7 64-bit commuter for Intel HD, HD 2000/2500/3000/4000 (except Breadth XT3 tablet) - [Detail]. Download:
- File 1: Video_Driver_C2JMM_WN_9.17.ten.2867_A10.EXE
- File two: Win7-8_64_15.28.7_2867_setup_ZPE.exe
Other Operating Systems for Optiplex 9010 All In Ane drivers:
- Optiplex 9010 All In One BIOS drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In Ane Red Lid Enterprise Linux five drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In 1 Cherry Chapeau Enterprise Linux six drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In Ane Windows 2000 drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In I Windows seven 32-bit drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In Ane Windows 7 64-bit drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In One Windows 8 32-fleck drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In Ane Windows 8 64-chip drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In One Windows 98 drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In One Windows drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In Ane Windows Me drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In One Windows Server 2003 drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In One Windows Server 2003 x64 drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In One Windows Server 2008 R2 drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In Ane Windows Server 2008 x64 drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In One Windows Server 2008 x86 drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In Ane Windows Server Aurora drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In 1 Windows Vista 32-flake drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In I Windows Vista 64-bit drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In One Windows XP drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In I Windows XP Embedded drivers
- Optiplex 9010 All In One Windows XP x64 drivers
Source: http://delldriverdownload.info/optiplex-9010-all-in-one-windows-7-64-bit-drivers/
Posted by: molly-my8daily.blogspot.com